engineer viewing a tablet in boiler room, various bubbles show data and information from the tablet

Continuous Insight to Help Prevent Production Issues

Powered by ECOLAB3D™

OMNI™ is a comprehensive IoT asset performance management program that provides unmatched insight into critical asset performance, helping deliver a step-change in production and asset reliability and profitability throughout your entire operation.

By combining real-time monitoring, advanced predictive analytics, and 24/7 expert support, OMNI moves you from a reactive to a proactive state to help minimize operating costs. It provides unmatched visibility to help predict and prevent operational issues, delivering reliable performance while enhancing your asset management capabilities and improving asset reliability.

How Omni Works

OMNI is an industry-leading asset performance management solution designed to mitigate operational challenges.

Real-Time Monitoring

Constant analysis of data to help predict and prevent problems before they manifest.

Secure Networks

Safe and secure data storage and transmission, developed in partnership with three of the world’s technological leaders.

Predictive Analytics

Help prevent operational issues through diagnostic and performance analytics.

24/7 Response

Continuous monitoring of alarms and overall performance by our expert OMNI Assurance Team.

On-Site Expertise

On-location field personnel working closely with the service team and customer to take issues from identification to solution. 

IoT Asset Performance Management

By getting a holistic view of your plant’s processes and water system, you have the tools to optimize performance across all levels of operations, boosting asset reliability.


Data-Driven Algorithms

The OMNI digital service is designed to collect and analyze critical data from multiple sources to help:
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Man in hardhat typing on laptop in an interior industrial setting.

Predict Performance

of critical assets to ensure they are operating optimally

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Cooling towers

Prevent Issues

before they happen, including unscheduled downtime and lost production

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Ecolab experts with distributors in outdoor industrial setting.

Prolong Asset Life

and production runtime

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Optimize Total Operation Costs

by avoiding operational issues and increasing productivity

Real-World Value

The OMNI digital service helps identify and solve problems before they occur, which can lead to significant return on investment potential:

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Eliminate costly issues and increase productivity to improve the profitability of operations

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Reduce unnecessary downtime and keep your operation running smoothly to improve the productivity of operations

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Eliminate preventable expenses to reduce the total cost of operations

Partnering with Global Leaders in Technology

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Microsoft Logo
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OMNI and Your Enterprise System

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OMNI Brochure
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OMNI Infographic
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Large power plant at night.

OMNI Analytics Condenser Performance

The OMNI platform for power producers focuses on the condenser, using the data historian to support the predictive analytics that help you to make informed decisions about your plant. 

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OMNI Heat Exchanger Reliability

The OMNI platform for chemical producers focuses on the heat exchanger, using non-invasive sensors and monitoring combined with unparalleled simulation to give you unprecedented insight into your operations.

iiot platform

ECOLAB3D™ IIoT Platform

OMNI Analytics is powered by ECOLAB3D. ECOLAB3D is an IIoT platform designed to collect data from monitoring systems, automation tools and more in order to gain enterprise visibility, data-driven insights and prescriptive performance recommendations. Combined with our industry leading services and field expertise, customers on the ECOLAB3D IIoT platform improve performance, manage risk, deliver value and more.

Learn more about Ecolab's safe and secure cloud-based IoT and IIoT Platform.


Intelligence in Action

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