Optimize Total Operating Costs with state-of-the-art microbiological control technology

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Steel mills can have corrosion problems in the continuous casting secondary cooling systems due to the high chloride content generated by the use of chlorine or hypochlorite for microbiological control.
The hydrolysis of chlorine gas and hypochlorite, acting as a biocide, produces a significant chloride content that increases corrosion on carbon steel according to the Larson-Skold index, it also combines with grease and oil present in the water to form sticky compounds that affect the performance of skimmers, water spray nozzles, and sand filters, impacting their productivity and increasing maintenance costs and production losses.
How can I protect my assets?
To eliminate these problems associated with the use of conventional treatments based on chlorine gas and hypochlorite, Nalco Water relies on PURATETM technology, which consists of an excellent biocide with very low chloride generation, in addition to offering other highly competitive advantages.
How does PURATE Technology work?
PURATE is a unique stabilized blend of sodium chlorate and hydrogen peroxide. The SVP-Pure pure chlorine dioxide generator uses PURATE and sulfuric acid to produce ClO2 on-site.
Advantages of chlorine dioxide with Nalco Water PURATE technology
- Powerful, fast-acting biocide that effectively removes biofilm
- It is not consumed by most organics or NH3
- It is not pH dependent for its effectiveness
- It does not form Trihalomethane (THM) or AOX
- May oxidize/remove manganese
- Lower TDS content, by providing a minimum of chloride
Contact us to learn more about these solutions at: industriallacomms@ecolab.com