Teat Dips for Udder Care

Teat Dips for Udder Care

There are three risk periods when dairy cows are most vulnerable to mastitis and other udder infections: 1) during milking, if teat preparation is not optimal 2) after milking and 3) during the dry and dry-off periods. 

Cleaning and disinfecting teats improves the teat condition and reduces infection pressure. Ecolab has an extensive line of pre- and post-milking teat dips that are backed by robust efficacy testing. Our service experts will help you implement a teat disinfectants program that enhances milk quality and supports farm productivity.

Udder Health Care Pie Chart

The Cost of Mastitis

Despite widespread knowledge of the pathology, the cost of both clinical and subclinical mastitis is often ignored or underestimated. However, there are negative consequences for the total lactation and even subsequent ones. These consequences include milk loss and significant costs related to infection treatment, veterinarian fees and the time spent treating affected animals.

A. More work
B. Costs of veterinary care
C. Costs of medicines
D. Discarded milk
E. Decrease in the value of sales
F. Drop in milk production
Teat Conditions

Teat Condition

Teat condition is an important parameter of a mastitis control strategy. Chapped and cracked teats are a perfect environment for bacteria to develop because warmth, humidity and nutrition are available. Germs like Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus agalactiae like to colonize these places. This increases the risk of infection directly (propagation of the germs) or indirectly (via milking machine contamination).

  • Score 5: Teat skin is severely damages and ulcerative with scabs or open lesions. There are large and/or numerous warts, which interfere with teat end function.
  • Score 4: Teat skin is chapped and cracked. There is redness which indicates inflammation; warts may be present.
  • Score 3: Teat skin is chapped and some small warts may be present.
  • Score 2: Teat skin shows some evidence of scaling.
  • Score 1: Teat skin is smooth and free from scales, cracks or chapping.
Post Milk Udder Treatment

Post-Milking Teat Treatment

After milking, the risk of contamination is high because the sphincter is open and can stay open up to two hours after milking. The teat canal is the primary physical and chemical barrier to invasion of mastitis pathogens into the udder. The smooth muscles surrounding the teat duct should be contracted and the teat canal should be tightly closed between milking to avoid microbial passage from the teat orifice into the interior of the gland. A teat end in good condition is an important resistance factor to bacterial colonization of the mammary gland.

The National Mastitis Council states that the rate of new intra-mammary infection can be 50% lower when disinfecting teats with an effective product immediately after every milking compared to no disinfection. Teat disinfection does not affect existing mammary gland infections but may reduce colonization of the teat-ducts.

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